
Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Is My Stash.

This is my Fabric stash.  I thought it would be fun to take pictures of it to show everyone what i have stockpiled.  My husband thinks I have too much,  though he didn't say that directly.  His exact words after I brought it all out so that i could photograph it was "do you think you'll need to get anymore anytime soon".  Not said sarcastically or anything and he's really good about letting me buy anything i want, but i guess when even he thinks I have too much, I really do have too much...   But this is my stash :)

My Designer fabric from Debbie Mumm....  I LOVE her designs:

My Cotton Woven (with my one interlock thrown in):

My fleece, Canvas, and Corduroy:

My Flannels:

My (very extensive) Fat Quarters Collection:

These pictures are motivation to get some work done using fabric I already have (though i do know have to buy some cream or white jersey fabric to do a project).  That way, my husband doesn't have a heart attach next time I pull it all out.  He had no clue how much there was, because i store it very neatly in closed bins and baskets... maybe I should have waited to take these pictures for a day he wasn't home hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there.

    I have only now stumbled across this post - I don't think you husband has any reason whatsoever to nag at you stash.

    At my last stashbusting session last summer, I gave away 64 yards of fabric, keeping 230 yards for myself. Have since then sewn up 24 yards and acquired another 42.... I know, that I'm moving in the wrong direction here :-)
