
Friday, January 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Eight

Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why.

Wellllll If we go by the rest of this month (being that its the 28th) I would say I still want to finish some awesome pot holders, at work, I've been jotting down ideas like crazy, i just keep thinking of some cool things to do.    If we go by the next 30 days concept of "this month"  I want to finish making a birthday gift for a lucky 1yr old, i want to try and get my Etsy shop up and Running, and i want to do some serious blogging (and working on tutorials to come) that seems like a good goal, wouldn't you say??

but this weekend's plan?
1) bang out AT LEAST 3 more cute pot holders.
2) start Tyler's Birthday Present
3) work on the Burberry inspired dress I have dancing around in my head
4) Look into making some cute crib bedding and a bed skirt for the little girls bed
5)make some cute checkbooks and matching change purses and coffee cozies

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